You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task.
So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well. Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys!
You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons. We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.
Katie, Jed, Declan, Shaghayegh and Shivani - over to you!
Beloved sweetheart bastard. Not a day since then
haven’t wished him dead. Prayed for it
hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes,
on the back of my hands I could strangle with.
5 Spinster. I stink and
remember. Whole days
in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress
yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe;
the slewed morror, full-length, her, myself,
who did this
to me? Puce curses that
are sounds not words.
10 Some nights better, the lost body over me,
my fluent tongue in its mouth in its ear
then down till I suddenly bite awake. Love’s
behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting
my face. Bang. I stabbed at a wedding-cake.
15 Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon.
Don’t think it’s only the heart that
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