Sunday, 30 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 14 - Don't Give Up Now!

Revision for All:
So you are 14 days into your revision, school seems like a distant memory and the holiday over eating is taking its toll. Don't give in! I want you to be saying "I'm gonna show YOU how great I am!" Be the best you can be.

I will leave you with these (cheesey but essential) thoughts...

40 inspirational speeched in 2 mins

Be great, be powerful, beyond your measure

How great I am

Daily Revison Post 13 - Timed Writing

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:


Today I would like you to actually sit and write for the amount of time you will be expected to in the exam. Use the past papers you looked at in our previous post for the question. Remember, practise makes perfect!


Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:

Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Today I would like you to actually sit and write for the amount of time you will be expected to in the exam. Use the past papers you looked at in our previous post for the question. Remember, practise makes perfect!



Friday, 28 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 12 - Language Analysis

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

 In your Of Mice and Men section of your exam, the main skill the examiner is looking for is language analysis.  You will be given an extract from the novel and they will expect you to read, annotate it and then write about it.  You will need to link the story with the section they give you and analyse the language in detail.  You cannot know what extract they will give you, so the best thing you can do is practise the skill.

This link has some ideas for you to think about.  You should pick any section from the novel and try to apply some of the ideas in the link to the language you see.  A link to the text of the novel is here.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:

Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

In your unseen poetry exam, on of the  the main skills the examiner is looking for is language analysis.  You will be given a random poem and they will expect you to read, annotate it and then write about it.  You cannot know what poem they will give you, so the best thing you can do is practise the skill.

This link has some ideas for you to think about.  You should pick any section from the novel and try to apply some of the ideas in the link to the language you see.  A link to some great poetry is here.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 11 - Literary Theory and Terms

Right, something to extend your thinking a little and aim towards the A and A* answer we are all looking for!

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:


Literary criticism is facinating stuff. Have a look at the links below and see if you could see yourself including a little snipit of relevant literary criticism in your exam essays.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Poetic form is an important element of the creation of a poem and understanding it will help your answer have a more learned and mature tone.  Make sure you are clear about different poetic forms and are able to discuss their relevance.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Daily Revision 10 - Pinterest

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Happy Holidays to you all.

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:


I would like you all to have a look at Pinterest. Firstly search the pin boards for Of Mice and Men or Creative Writing, you choose.  Some people have already collected together a some interesting stuff on these topics. Secondly I would like you to have a go at creating your own pin board on the topic.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.


I would like you all to have a look at Pinterest. Firstly search the pin boards for poetry. Some people have already collected together a some interesting stuff on this topic.  Secondly I would like you to have a go at creating your own pin board on poetry.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 9 - Games

"No way Miss! You will not post revision on Christmas Day!" Yes I did! But as promised, it is a fun one. Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays to those not celebrating Christmas. Enjoy! :-)

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Have a go at some of these revision games

Game - State of Debate
Game - Spherox
Game - Bingo

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.


Have a go at some of these revision games 

Monday, 24 December 2012

Daily revision Post 8 - Essay Style

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:


You need to start thinking about your essay style in exams. No matter what anybody tells you, there is no one right way of doing it but you can 'do it right.'  You need to find your own style and feel comfortable with it - this only comes with practice. Some ideas are outlined in the link below.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.


You need to start thinking about your essay style in exams. No matter what anybody tells you, there is no one right way of doing it but you can 'do it right.'  You need to find your own style and feel comfortable with it - this only comes with practice. Some ideas are outlined in the link below.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Daily revision Post 7 - Web Revision

Only me! Happy revising Y11 :-)

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:


A break from Of Mice and Men today. I want you to focus on creative writing, the second half of the exam. Top tips for good non-fiction style writing (obviously technically all your creative writing is fictional as you make it up!)

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.


Check out the revision site below. Loads of great reminders on key phrases and approaches.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 6 - Motivation

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Some motivation from the fix up team. Fix up look sharp - get revising!


Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Some motivation from the fix up team. Fix up look sharp - get revising!


Daily Revision Post 5 - Revision Cards

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Complete revision cards for every character including characteristics, quotes, links to other characters, run down of key scenes.


Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Create revision cards for all poetic techniques including definitions, famous examples, good examples of analysis, ideas of phrasing for your own explanations.


Thursday, 20 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 4 - You tube

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Task: There are loads of really useful resources avaiable to you on You Tube.  Have a go at searching for your topic and revising that way.  I have started you off by searching out 'Of Mice and Men Social and Historical Background'  but you can search any exam topic you like in a sinilar manner.



Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Task:  There are loads of really useful resources avaiable to you on You Tube. Have a go at searching for your topic and revising that way. I have started you off by searching out 'Well known poets performing and talking about poetry' but you can search any exam topic you like in a sinilar manner. (Taylor Mali and Maya Angelou are great on this page.)



Daily Revision Post 3 - Markscheme

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Task: Along with the past papers you looked at yesterday, it is important to have in mind what the examiner wants to see in your answer.  The markschemes are in the link below for you to mull over.    This is the guide lines the examiners follow when marking your exam papers.  Plan out your answer as it would have been if you got the exam questions in those question papers and markschemes. The mak schemes can be find half way down the page in the box withthe blue and yello strip at the top.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Task: Along with the past papers you looked at yesterday, it is important to have in mind what the examiner wants to see in your answer. The markschemes are in the link below for you to mull over. This is the guide lines the examiners follow when marking your exam papers.  Plan out your answer as it would have been if you got the exam questions in those question papers and markschemes. The mak schemes can be find half way down the page in the box withthe blue and yello strip at the top.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 2 - Question Papers

Revision - All:

Task: Today I would like for you to create your own revision time table so that you can divide out your time effectivly before the mock exams.  You can use the template below or create your own.

Remember that the Mock exam results will be used to inform our predicted results, what tier we enter you for inthe real exam and what colleges look at when they consider your applications.
Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:

Task: Take a look at past question papers.  Plan out your answer to the given question and look at the mark scheme to check you were along the right lines.

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam.

Task:  Take a look at past question papers. Plan out your answer to the given question and look at the mark scheme to check you were along the right lines.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Daily Revision Post 1 - Guides

Right, daily revision posts have now begun!  I will be posting revision ideas up on the site every day until the mock exam is upon us on the 7th. Think of the blog over the holidays as an advent calendar of revision ideas, if you like!

Most of you are taking the Writers Voice Exam for your Mock exam with just five of you taking the Poetry Exam.  Please only look at the section that is relevant to you.

Revision - English Language Unit 2 - Writers Voice - Of Mice & Men and Creative Writing:
Task:  Read the revision notes on the great website below.  It is a comprehensive revision guide that is helpful for all levels C-A*. 

Revision - English Literature GCSE - Unit 2 - Unseen Poetry:
Lauren, Michael, Mayren, Sophia and Megan Du - only you will be taking this exam as the rest of the class are in for the retake.

Task:  Spend some time browsing the poetry archive. They have some wonderful audio recordings made by the poets themselves.


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

7. You be the teacher! - Kid

We are working in taking the fear out of poetry at the moment in class in preparation for your Unseen Poetry section of the Literature exam paper you will take in the summer. You are all coming along well but we still have a way to go.

You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task.

So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well. Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys!

You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons. We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.      

Jacob, Charlotte, Nina, Eden, Beth and Sophie - Over to you!

      Batman, big shot, when you gave the order
to grow up, then let me loose to wander
leeward, freely through the wild blue yonder
as you like to say, or ditched me, rather,
5     in the gutter …well, I turned the corner.
Now I’ve scotched that ‘he was like a father
to me’ rumour, sacked it, blown the cover
on that ‘he was like an elder brother’
story, let the cat out on that caper
10   with the married woman, how you took her
downtown on expenses in the motor.
Holy robin-redbreast-nest-egg-shocker!
Holy roll-me-over-in-the-clover,
I’m not playing ball any longer
15   Batman, now I’ve doffed that off-the-shoulder
Sherwood-Forest-green and scarlet number
for a pair of jeans and crew-neck jumper;
now I’m taller, harder, stronger, older.
Batman, it makes a marvellous picture:
20   you without a shadow, stewing over
chicken giblets in the pressure cooker,
next to nothing in the walk-in-larder,
punching the palm of your hand all winter,
you baby, now I’m the real boy wonder.




7. You be the teacher! - Before You Were Mine

We are working in taking the fear out of poetry at the moment in class in preparation for your Unseen Poetry section of the Literature exam paper you will take in the summer. You are all coming along well but we still have a way to go.

You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task.

So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well. Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys!

You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons. We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.

Mayren, Rachel, Kismet, Emily and Michael - over to you!

Before You Were Mine

       I’m ten years away from the corner you laughed on
with your pals, Maggie McGeeney and Jean Duff.
The three of you bend from the waist, holding
each other, or your knees, and shriek at the pavement.
5     Your polka-dot dress blows round your legs.  Marilyn.

I’m not here yet.  The thought of me doesn’t occur
in the ballroom with the thousand eyes, the fizzy, movie tomorrows
the right walk home could bring.  I knew you would dance
like that.  Before you were mine, your Ma stands at the close
10   with a hiding for the late one.  You reckon it’s worth it.

The decade ahead of my loud, possessive yell was the best one, eh?
I remember my hands in those high-heeled red shoes, relics,
and now your ghost clatters toward me over George Square
till I see you, clear as scent, under the tree,
15   with its lights, and whose small bites on your neck, sweetheart?

Cha cha cha!  You’d teach me the steps on the way home from Mass,
stamping stars from the wrong pavement.  Even then
I wanted the bold girl winking in Portobello, somewhere
in Scotland, before I was born.  That glamorous love lasts
20   where you sparkle and waltz and laugh before you were mine.



7. You be the teacher! - Havisham

We are working in taking the fear out of poetry at the moment in class in preparation for your Unseen Poetry section of the Literature exam paper you will take in the summer. You are all coming along well but we still have a way to go.

You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task.

So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well. Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys!

You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons. We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.

Katie, Jed, Declan, Shaghayegh and Shivani - over to you!


       Beloved sweetheart bastard.  Not a day since then
I haven’t wished him dead.  Prayed for it
so hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes,
ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with.

5     Spinster.  I stink and remember.  Whole days
  in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress
  yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe;
  the slewed morror, full-length, her, myself, who did this

       to me?  Puce curses that are sounds not words.
10   Some nights better, the lost body over me,
  my fluent tongue in its mouth in its ear
  then down till I suddenly bite awake.  Love’s

hate behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting
in my face.  Bang.  I stabbed at a wedding-cake.
15   Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon.
  Don’t think it’s only the heart that b-b-b-breaks.

7. You be the teacher! - Education for Leasure

We are working in taking the fear out of poetry at the moment in class in preparation for your Unseen Poetry section of the Literature exam paper you will take in the summer. You are all coming along well but we still have a way to go.

You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task. 

So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well.  Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys! 

You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons.  We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.

Megan, Martine, Lewis, Hannah, Josh , Lauren and Leah - over to you!

Education for Leisure

           Today I am going to kill something.  Anything.
I have had enough of being ignored and today
I am going to play God.  It is an ordinary day,
a sort of grey with boredom stirring in the streets.

5     I squash a fly against the window with my thumb.
We did that at school.  Shakespeare.  It was in
another language and now the fly is in another language.
I breathe out talent on the glass to write my name.

       I am a genius.  I could be anything at all, with half
10   the chance.  But today I am going to change the world.
Something’s world.  The cat avoids me.  The cat
knows I am a genius, and has hidden itself.

I pour the goldfish down the bog.  I pull the chain.
I see that it is good.  The budgie is panicking.
15   Once a fortnight, I walk the two miles into town
for signing on.  They don’t appreciate my autograph.

There is nothing left to kill.  I dial the radio
and tell the man he’s talking to a superstar.
He cuts me off.  I get our bread-knife and go out.
20   The pavements glitter suddenly.  I touch your arm.

7. You be the teacher! - Hitcher

We are working in taking the fear out of poetry at the moment in class in preparation for your Unseen Poetry section of the Literature exam paper you will take in the summer. You are all coming along well but we still have a way to go.

You have said as a class that you learn best when a teacher respects you, is relaxed and connects with you as an individual, is passionate about their subject, enthusiastic, allows you to discuss things (e.g. circle time), makes it practical (doing stuff) and is knowledgable. I could not agree more, these are great things for you to focus on in this task.

So I have challenged you to teach a poem to the class that you have never seen before. This task was met with responses ranging from "Yeah, whatever! That is easy" to "Oh me do we do that?". You will be great, you are the experts as you see teachers all the time and know what works well. Think about how you will get them interested (starter), what you will do in the main section of the session and what you want the class to know at the end of you session and how you will assess this. No pressure then guys!

You have finished 45 minutes group planning in class and will have some time to finish off at the start of the lesson on Thursday and we will then begin the student lead lessons. We will have a class discussoion on your poem after you teach it so be ready for questions.

Freya, Simran, Megan, Annabel, Tom and Sophia - over to you!


       I’d been tired, under
the weather, but the ansaphone kept screaming:
One more sick-note, mister, and you’re finished. Fired.
I thumbed a lift to where the car was parked.
5     A Vauxhall Astra.  It was hired.

I picked him up in Leeds.
He was following the sun to west from east
with just a toothbrush and the good earth for a bed.  The truth,
he said, was blowin’ in the wind,
10   or round the next bend.

I let him have it
on the top road out of Harrogate – once
with the head, then six times with the krooklok
in the face – and didn’t even swerve.
15   I dropped it into third

and leant across
to let him out, and saw him in the mirror
bouncing off the kerb, then disappearing down the verge.
We were the same age, give or take a week.
20   He’d said he liked the breeze

to run its fingers
through his hair.  It was twelve noon.
The outlook for the day was moderate to fair
Stitch that, I remember thinking,
25   you can walk from there.