Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ms Findlater's You Tube Channel

First videos up and running on the youtube channel.  Enjoy and Happy revising!

Edexcel Literature Poetry Exam Paper Explained

Unseen Poetry Mark Scheme Explained


Thursday, 25 April 2013

Writing Revision - You Tube

While you watch these video clips today make revision nates as you go. There are revision cards available or you can also just take notes.

GCSE English Top 5 Writing Tips: Writing to Persuade 

Earning more marks for non-fiction WRITING

English - Writing Skills: Planning Your Writing 

English - Writing Skills: Writing Good Paragraphs 

Writing Cohesively 

GCSE English Top 5 Writing Tips: Varying Sentence Structure 

GCSE English Top 5 Writing Tips: Vocabulary Choice 

GCSE English Top 5 Writing Tips: Writing to Describe 

English Writing Revision: Expanding Sentences 

If you find any other please post them ion the comments below.

Revision Poetry - You Tube

While you watch these video clips today make revision nates as you go. There are revision cards available or you can also just take notes.

How to analyse a poem you have never seen before - ARTWARS

Half-Caste read by John Agard

Half Caste Revision

Daljit Nagra (Parades End) - Interview with the Poet

Ciaran Carson - Belfast Confetti - Revision 1

Ciaran Carson - Belfast Confetti - Revision 2

Our Sharpeville - Ingrid do Kok

Exposure - Wilfred Owen - Revision

Catrin - Gillian Clarke

Extension - search you tube for trevision and reads posts on the other poems and post them up in the comments below.

Happy revising!

Of Mice and Men Revision - You Tube

While you watch these video clips today make revision nates as you go.  There are revision cards available or you can also just take notes.

Exam Help Video:

Video SparkNotes: John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men summary 

Of Mice and Men quotations revision with beatbox & guitarh

'Of Mice and Men' GCSE Podcast

'Of Mice and Men': Curley's Wife Character Analysis 

'Of Mice and Men': The Importance of the Title 

The Main Theme in 'Of Mice and Men' 

Of Mice and Men: Steinbeck's Characterisation Part 1: Lennie and George 

GCSE English "Of Mice and Men" Conflict 

Revision: Of Mice & Men (Symbols) 

Of Mice & Men 1 - Context 

Of MIce & Men 2 - George & Lennie 

Of Mice & Men 3 - Curley's Wife & Curley 

But Miss, I can't revise for this exam!

Yes you can!  Here is a plethora of ideas to dip into over the exam period.

Revision Timetable:
Create your own revision timetable so that you can divide out your time effectively before the mock exams. You can use the template below or create your own. http://www.risingstars-uk.com/uploads/publications/140.pdf

On Line Revision Guides:
There are so many high quality online revision guides available that we would be silly not to direct use this free resource.

Past Exam Papers:
Good old fashioned practice questions never hurt anyone! Take a look at past question papers from the exam boards website. They are available to all for free, so use them. Plan out your answer to the given question and look at the mark scheme (again available free on the site) to check your answer.

You Tube:
There are loads of really useful revision resources avaiable to you on You Tube. Have a go at searching for your topic and revising that way. There is so much out there, you are spoilt for choice! You could even make your own video on a revision topic of your choice and upload it so others can benefit.

Revision Cards:
Get some A5 cards and create revision cards for every key topic in the exam. Research as you go along. Use your subject text book, revision book, your class book and the internet to help you. Try mixing up using visuals and words to help you summarise the key information. Try sticking them up on your bedroom wall - they are all around you even when you are not purposefully revising.

The very best of us can lose the will to carry on when the pressure is on. Keep yourself motivated when the going gets tough. Get some motivation from the fix up team. Fix up look sharp - get revising! Here is one, but just search them on You tube - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jftL_VxGX18

This is essentially an online pin board where people pin up related items they find for you to peruse. Firstly, search the pin boards for your particular exam topic. Secondly, try and have a go at creating your own pin board on a topic you are covering in your exam.

Essay Plans:
Create an essay plan, a brief one, for every topic you foresee coming up in the exam. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.

Timed Writing:
Look at the exam papers you have seen on the web and write a response to every question in the set time you have for the exam. This is great practise for the real thing. You can use the mark scheme to mark yourself, get a friend to mark it or hand it in to your teacher.

A great tool for collecting revision notes, pictures, web links and whatever else you can think of and linking it all up in a Pearltree. Revision entails looking back over the work you have done and information you have gathered. This is a really easy, visual and clear way of gathering it all together. It is essential to your sanity that all the hard work you put in to your revision now is not all forgotten and can be used again in the summer. This is one great way of keeping it organised. You can use it on a computer, Ipad or Iphone. you can even work on Pearltrees together in groups over the web.

Happy revising and all the best for results day.